Sunday 29 December 2013

Gear And Clothing Checklist

If you are looking to do the London Spartan Race or the Tough Mudder you will get wet from rain, puddles, mud pits and open water swimming. Should the weather be cold (I did it twice, once under 12 degrees and once under 4 degrees C), don't do the race topless and in shorts. Wear a skin and tights (I bought mine from nike) 

Don't wear any cotton. Wear long running tights made from robust nylon fabric; they protect your legs in mud pits. You will notice from the picture that I wear shorts on top. Avoid loose fitting cotton and sweat pants; thick cottons absorb and hold water and mud and add weight. 

Wear sport dry fit T-shirts as they don’t weigh much, even when wet. Anything that soaks up a lot of mud and water will weigh you down, not to mention frustrate you during the event. 

After seeing so many people being in hypothermia during the race, I recommend having some fuel gels/bars (I buy mine on Amazon) and a survival blanket.

Wear dry fit socks - definitely no cotton socks. Cotton + mud = weight and blisters.
Don’t wear goggles or sunglasses; contact lenses can be a pain when mud gets in your eyes.

Bring a big plastic/garbage bag to put your dirty clothes and shoes in for the drive home.

You should also have extra cloth with you in the car, including footwear; you almost never can get out of bunkers with dry feet. You’ll remember how important this is when your carpooling buddy refuses to let you take their clean car. 

Bring a long towel; even if there are no showers you will use it to change your cloth in the parking without getting totally naked.

Bring some wet wipes; you will use them to clean yourself if there are no showers. 

Bring some food and bananas; it never tastes better especially if the stand is not selling any food anymore. 

I am currently preparing an article on choosing your shoes for the race as there is no real answer. (Collecting some articles and commenting on it) 

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